Maximize your chance for recieving BEAD funding with a Multi Gigabit Wireless-Fiber Hybrid Network

Maximize your chance for recieving BEAD funding with a Multi Gigabit Wireless-Fiber Hybrid Network

Maximize your Chances for Bead Funding Using Hybrid Multi Gigabit Passive Optical Networks

 A holistic approach to bridging the digital divide involves using a combination of Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON) and mmWave E-Band technology.  A hybrid network can be established by using GPON for the core fiber-optic backbone and mmWave wireless technology for the last-mile distribution. GPON provides high-speed connectivity to central distribution points, and from there, mmWave wireless can extend connectivity wirelessly to end-users (FTTH / FTTP).


Are you researching or applying for BEAD funding?  Increase your chances by adding mmWave E-Band to your fiber strategy.  Establish high-speed wireless connections to completment your GPON infrastructure.  Perfect for redundancy and load balancing, remote locations,  and temporary setups. 



      • Market Leader at 10 Gbps Performance
      • 10 Gbps Capacities Achieved over 10-Miles
      • 20 Gbps Capability through 2+0 XPIC 
      • Software Enabled Agnostic Dual-Band Licensed Microwave Overlay
      • Long Reach with More Stability
      • Advanced Layer-3 Networking Functionality & IP / MPLS
      • Includes 3-Year Manufacturer Warranty